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RESEARCH PROJECT ‘Study of viticulture and winemaking in Egyptian tombs’ (2011-2014)

The bibliographical database relevant to wine, viticulture and winemaking includes the serial number, type of article/book, authors, title, website, online link, periodical/ journal/ encyclopaedia/ dictionary, edition, editors, pages, plates/ plans, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, author abbreviation and remarks. It has now 200 entries.

PRO Acces

Scenes Database

The database of the viticulture and winemaking scenes in the ancient Egyptian private tombs.

Scene BD

Bibliographic Database

The database of the bibliography about the viticulture and winemaking in ancient Egypt.

Bibliographic DB

Photographic Mision

The photographic mission to document the viticulture and winemaking scenes in the Egyptian private tombs.

Photo Mision

Virtual Expo

The ancient Egyptian viticulture and winemaking scenes exhibition.

Virtual Tour